Concrete floors are generally durable and long-lasting. This type of flooring, however, can sustain damage over time. Moisture, for instance, can reduce the concrete’s compressive strength, making the floor less durable. On top of that, extensive traffic from facility workers, forklift trucks, and wheeled equipment can make your concrete floor dirty. This dirt could lead to hygiene problems, cause allergies, and damage onsite equipment.
Our experienced team can help you identify the carpet type that best achieves your design vision while meeting your budget and schedule.
Resilient Flooring comes in many shapes, sizes, & styles such as rubber, plastic, PVC, linoleum, and vinyl. If the fuzzy or hard stuff isn’t what you want resilient has options for you. Let our experienced team help on your next project.
Contact the team at DanCar Roofing & Construction today so we can begin discussing your next flooring project.
Finish-Out | Remodeling | Concrete | Painting | Flooring
Our team is fully licensed and insured. With 75+ years of collective service, you can take comfort in knowing we'll get the job done.
The team at DanCar Roofing has achieved an A+ rating with the BBB. Our results and customer testimonials show that we're the top roofers in your area.
At DanCar Roofing And Construction,
we focus on not just getting the job done, but rather far exceeding the customer's expectations.
DanCar Roofing & Construction has been servicing Dallas/Fort Worth area clients since 2009. Whether it’s a commercial or residential roof, DanCar has you covered. Once you contact us, you can expect, expert professionals, top of the line results, and stress free service.
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